Love's Gay Fool. Autobiography of John Alan Lee.




Career and publications.  (* indicates copies in my library collection, or in Life Scrapbooks,  both donated at death to Canadian Gay Archives).

1945     Neighbourhood news  Several 2-page copies done by hand.

1953    The Reporter  -Articles-  Western Tech-Comm school paper

1954   * Blow on this spot.  Recruitment of young socialists.

1955     * The Varsity  (U of T student paper)

1953-56  * Campus Comment.  Broadsheets of socialist criticism, distributed free on U of T campus six times a year.

1957   *Report on China   Widely distributed and sold .

1958-9   * IWA News    One year's issues

1960-64  *  OHEU News     Five years

1963.  *Co-operation in Ontario Hydro.  CUPE,  Toronto.

1963.  *Social effects of shift work.  CUPE,  Toronto.

1963   *Comparative standards of living in thirty Ontario                                              communities.  CUPE,  Toronto.

1964   *Social effects of automation.   CUPE,  Toronto.

Unemployment Pamphlet     1963

1969.  *The Greendale Canadians,  in Blishen et al,  Canadian Society, 2nd and 3rd editions,   MacMillan

1970. * Sectarian Healers .  Toronto,  Queen's Printers.

1971.  *Test Pattern.  University of Toronto Press.

1971  *Why they came to Scarborough .  Scarborough College.

1972.  *Freedom to learn without being taught .  Scarborough College.

1972   *Faith Healing ,  in Social Space,  a Canadian Perspective,  ed..                             Davies and Herman,  New Press,  Toronto.

1973   *Colours of Love .  New Press,  Toronto. 300 pages,  and the best of the various editions.

1973.  *Art and analysis in sociology .  Scarborough College.

1973.  *Why they did not return to Scarborough .  Scarb. College.

1973  *What kind of lover are you?  Chatelaine Magazine, October.

1974   *Mentors and Monitors ,  in B. singer,  Communications in                            Canadian Society,  Copp Clark,  Toronto.

1974     *Visitors Guide ,  1974 World Congress of Sociology,  

1974   *Cheating at college  .  Scarborough College.

1974.  * Styles of loving .  Psychology Today,  October.

1975     * Bending the rules  A study of 400 student  petitions .                              Scarborough College. 

1975   *The romantic heresySocial  origins of romantic love in mediaeval Christendom.   Canadian Review of Sociology andAnthropology,  12.4,  part 2.

1975  *What kind of lover are you?   Cosmopolitan Magazine,  May.

1976   * Social change and marginal therapeutic systems ,  in R.                            Wallis and P. Morley,  Marginal Medicine.  Owen,  London.

1976   *Colors of Love   (completely rewritten with much new                                     research)  Hardcover:  New York,  Prentice Hall.  Paperback:  Bantam Books

1976  * Failsafe education.  Canadian Jnl of Higher Education,  Spring.

1976  * Forbidden colours of love.  Journal of Homosexuality 1.4.

1977  * A typology of styles of loving .  Bulletin of Personality and                            Social Psychology.  3.7.

1977  * Meeting males by mail ,   in L. Crew,  The Gay Academic.                              ETC Publications,  Palm Springs,  Calif.

1977  * Equity in student petitions .  Canadian Journal of Higher                            Education,  Fall.

1977  * Going public .  Journal of Homosexuality  3.1.

1977   * Lovestyles .  Dent,  London.

1977  * Enrolment attrition at the college .  Scarborough College.

1978  * Lovestyles.  Abacus,  London.

1978.  * Getting sex::   more fun,  less guilt .  General, Toronto.

1978.  * Failsafe education in Ontario High Schools,  a ticking time                            bomb.  Globe and Mail,  December 20.

1979.  * The RCMP vs. the People   (co-authored with Ted Mann).                             General,  Toronto.

1979   * Social organization of sexual risk .  Alternative Lifestyles 2.1

1979  * The gay connection,  an ecological model.  Urban Life,  8.2.

1980  *  Study habits of Scarborough High School Students.                                       Scarborough College.

1980  * The homosexual minority.  Journal of Homosexuality,  5.3

1980  * The politics of child sexuality .  J.M. Samson, ed..,  Childhood                            and Sexuality.  Montreal,  Editions Etudes Vivantes.

1980  * Deviance in the legal system .  in  H.L.  Ross and E. Sagarin,                             Law and Deviance.  Sage,  Beverly Hills.

1981 *  Structural aspects of police deviance in relations with                                     minority groups.  in C. Shearing, ed..,  Organizational Police Deviance.  Toronto,  Butterworths.

1981  * Don't use that word;  gay meaning homosexual.  In L. Salter,                        Communication Studies in Canada.   Toronto,  Butterworths.

1981  *  R.C. M. P.'s real dilemma.  Canadian Journal of Sociology,  6.1.

1982  * Anonymous student evaluation forms,  what are they really                            evaluating?   University of Toronto Bulletin, September

1982.  *  Growing old and gray.  The Body Politic,  December.

1982. *  Sex and supply-side economics.  Canadian Forum,  Sept.        

1982 *  Three paradigms of childhood .  Canadian Review of Sociology                            and Anthropology, 19.4.

1983  * Controlling society,  in J.P. Grayson,  ed..,  Introduction to                            Sociology.   Gage,  Toronto.

1983.  Should we adopt entrance exams?    The Underground,                                      Scarborough College.

1983. * Membranes of civility.   Canadian Forum,  October

1984  Sexual risks,  in Kamel and Weinberg,  ed..,  Studies in the                            Sociology of S/M.  New York,  Prometheus.

1984  *The real issue in the student boycott. Scarborough College.

1984.  *Power and  gay morality.   The Body Politic, May

1984  *Professors and the unemployed .   Society,  8.1.

1985   Social change in Canada's parks to 2025 .  Papers of the                                     Ontario Census of Park Centennial.

1985. * Homosexuality.  Canadian Encyclopaedia  (first positive entry).

1985   Myths of gay aging.  Newsletter, Health Care Toronto,  October.

1986.  Love and hostility.  The Body Politic,  February.

1987.  *The invisible lives of Canada's gray gays ,  in V. Marshall, ed..,                    Aging in Canada.  Toronto,  Fitzhenry Whiteside.

1987  *Through the looking glass , Christopher Street magazine,  10.4.

1987  * Long time passing .  Canadian Journal on Aging,  6.3.

1987  * What can homosexual aging studies contribute to theories of                            aging?    Journal of Homosexuality,  13.4.

1988   * Lovestyles , in R.J. Sternberg,  ed..,  Psychology of Love.  Yale

1988  * Seals,  wolves and words ;   loaded language in                                              environmental controversy .  Alternatives,  14.1.

1988  *  Handbook of content analysis of moral persuasion. Scarborough College. 

1989   * Invisible men:  Canada's aging homosexuals .  Canadian                            Journal on Aging,  8.1.

1989  * Waging the seal war in the media .   Canadian Journal of                            Communication  14.1.

1990   Aging,  Impersonal sex ,  and four other entries in Wayne                            Dynes,  ed..,  Encyclopaedia of Homosexuality.

1990  * A coding method for the analysis of moral discourse .  Human                   Relations, 42: 8 

1991 * Gay Midlife and Maturity   Hardcover,  New York,  Haworth.                              Paperback,  New York,  Harrington Park Press.

1991  *  Through the looking glass -  life after Isherwood.   Journal of                   Homosexuality  20: 3/4

1991  * Can we talk?  Can we really talk?  Communication as a Key Factor in the maturing homosexual couple . Journal of Homosexuality  20: 3/4

1993  The gender of power .   Canadian Journal of Sociology 18.1

1994  * Starting over.  Fraternity Newsletter, Toronto,  December.

1994  *  Growing old, staying gay.  The Body Politic,  June

1995.  *Affidavit in the Supreme Court of Canada,  20,000 words.                              McMillan Binch Lawyers.

1995   * The mathematics of dating .  Xtra,  no. 270.

1996  *  The Old Gadfly,  broadsheet critique of university education,                    Number 1,  March.  Continued to 1999.

1999  *  Report of  the task force on educational quality in the                                     classroom.  Scarborough College.

1999  *  Ideologies of lovestyle and sexstyle,  in V.C. deMunck, Romantic Love and Sexual Behaviour.  New York.  Praeger.

1999.  *  The Old Gadfly,  Number 18,  final issue.

2000  *  Compassion with prudence .  The Canadian Friend (Quaker                            Magazine)  96.3

2000 * Aging. Pages 20-22 in Gay Histories and Cultures; ed. George E. Haggerty. Garland Publishing, New York. (My final academic publication).

2002  *  Canoeing is for life. Fall issue of Kanawa, magazine of the Canadian Recraetional Canoeing Association, pp. 39-42

Newspaper articles:  far too numerous to list.  Search using "John Alan Lee."

Courses taught over career  (some taught many times).  

Introductory sociology;  Deviant behaviour; Social Change,

Interpersonal Relations,  Sex, self and society;  Sociology of Art

and Culture,  Environment and Society; Sociology of Ideas;

Sociology of Education (all levels);  Sociology of Law and Law

Enforcement;  Sociology of Aging;  Qualitative Methods;  Applied Methods,  Political sociology,  General Methodology.  Also co-taught courses in humanities and women's studies,  as well as night classes in Continuing Studies. 

Editorial work,   papers,  briefs, reports,  grad students.  From the 1980s  I have been an associate editor of the Journal of Homosexuality  Over my career I presented many papers,  briefs,  and guest lectures.  See annual reports to college administration,  as well as speaking by invitation to public groups.

 Annual reports also include my administrative duties on various committees  (Scarborough College)

Graduate students jointly or individually supervised include some familiar names in Canadian sociology  (in college annual reports).

Google Search of Internet:  Use "John Alan Lee"  [including quote signs]


The entire contents of this website Autobiography are Copywright by John Alan Lee.
Viewers may reproduce one hard copy without advance permission from the author,
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