Love's Gay Fool. Autobiography of John Alan Lee.


Appendix 1


Validation studies by researchers in 14 countries,  testing my theory of lovestyles. (up to 1999). 

Adler, N. L. and Hendrick, S. S. 1991. Relationships between contraceptive behaviour and love attitudes, sex attitudes, and self esteem. Journal of Counselling and Development  70; 302-308.

Bailey, W., Hendrick, C., and Hendrick, S.S. 1987. Relationship of sex and

gender role to love, sexual attitudes, and self-esteem. Sex roles 16; 637-48.

Beall, A. E. 1995. The social construction of love. Journal of Social and

Personal Relationships 12:3; 417-38.

Bierhoff, H., Klein, K. 1991. Dimensions of love: Development of a German scale for measuring love styles. Zeitschrift fur Differentielle und Diagnostische Psychologie 12:1 53-71.

Blumstein, P and Kollack, P. 1988. Annual Review of Sociology. Borello, G.M. and Thompson, B, 1990. A note on the validity of Lee’s typology of love. Journal of Psychology  124:6; 639-44.

Carnelley, K. and Janoff, R. 1992. Optimism about love relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships . 9:1; 5-20.

Casler, Lawrence. 1973. Toward a re-evaluation of love.  In Curtin, M.E., editor, Symposium on Love.  1-36.

Cho, W. and Cross, S. 1995. Taiwanese love styles and their association with self-esteem and relationship quality. Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs 12:3; 283-309.

Cimbalo, R. and Novell, D.O. 1993. Sex differences in romantic love attitudes of college students. Psychology Reports  73; 15-18.

Clark, M.S. and Reis, H.T. 1988. Interpersonal processes in close relationships. Annual Review of Psychology  39; 609-72

Collins, N.L. and Read, S.J. 1990. Adult attachment, working models, and relationship quality in dating couples. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology  58; 644-63.

Cramer, D. 1993. Dimensions of romantic love in British female adolescents. Journal of Social Psychology . 133; 411-13.

Davis, K.E. and Latty-Mann, H. 1987. Love styles and relationship quality: a contribution to validation. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 4; 409-428.

Feeney, J.A. and Noller, P. 1990.  Attachment style as a predictor of adult romantic relationships.   Journal of Personality and Social Psychology  58:2; 281-91.

Fehr, B. 1988. A prototype analysis of the concepts of love and commitment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 55; 557-79.

Feingold, A. 1992. Gender differences in mate selection preferences. Psychological Bulletin. 112; 123-139.

Gosselin, C.C. 1991. Personality and sexual differences in sado-masochistic women. Personality and Individual Differences. 12; 11-16

Greenfield, Sidney. 1973. Some sociological consequences of proposed alternatives to romantic love. In Curtin , M. E., Symposium on Love.  53-67.

Guerrero, L. K. 1994. Patterns of touch and touch avoidance across romantic relationship stages. Journal of Nonverbal Behaviour. 18:2; 137-53

Harris, M.B. 1990. Is love seen as different for the other? Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 20; 1209-24.

Hatfield, E. 1988. Passionate and companionate love. In Sternberg, R.J.  editor.  The psychology of love.  191-217.

Hatfield, E. and Rapson, R. L. 1987. Passionate love/ Sexual desire.

Archives of Sexual Research. 16; 259-78.

Hatfield, E. and Rapson, R.L. 1987. The relationship of sex and gender roles to love, sexual attitudes and self esteem. Sex Roles 16; 637-648

Hatfield, E. and Rapson, R.L. 1996. Love and sex; cross cultural perspectives.  Toronto: Allyn and Bacon.

Hatkoff, T.S. and Lasswell, 1979.  Male-female similarities and differences in conceptualizing love. International conference on love and attraction. In Cook, M. and Wilson, G., Love and attraction.  Oxford: Pergamon. 221-27.

Hazan, C. and Shaver, P. 1987. Romantic love as an attachment process. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 52; 511-24.

Hendrick, S. 1988. Romantic relationships, love, satisfaction and staying together. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 54; 980-88.

Hendrick, C. and Hendrick, S. 1986. A theory and method of love. Journal of Personal and Social Psychology. 50; 392-402.

Hendrick, C. and Hendrick, S. 1987. Multidimensionality of sexual attitudes Journal of Sex Research 23; 502-26.

Hendrick, C. and Hendrick, S. 1989. Research on love - does it measure up? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 56; 784-94.

Hendrick, C. and Hendrick, S. 1990. A relation-specific version of the Love Attitudes Scale. Journal of Social Behaviour and Personality  5:4; 239-254.

Hendrick, C. and Hendrick, S. 1992. Romantic Love.  California: Sage

Hunter, M. S. 1981. A scale to measure love addiction. Psychological Reports. 48; 582.

Illorz, E. 1991. Reason within Passion - Love in Women’s Magazines. Critical Studies in Mass Communication. 8:3; 231-48.

Jankowiak, W. R. and Fischer, E. F. 1992. A cross-cultural perspective on romantic love. Ethnology  31; 149-155.

Klein, R. and Bierhoff, H. 1991. Lee’s lovestyles and their relationship to the concrete content of a relationship. Gruppendynamik  22:2; 189-206.

Lasswell, T. E. and Lasswell, M. E. 1976. I love you but I’m not in love with you. Journal of Marriage and Family Counselling  30; 638-42.

Lasswell M. E. and Lobsenz, N.M. 1980. Styles of Loving. NY Doubleday.

Leak, G.K. 1993. Relationship between religious orientation and love styles, sexual attitudes and sexual behaviours. Journal of Psychology and Theology. 21:4; 315-18.

Leon, J.J. 1994. Love styles among university students in Mexico Psychological Reports  74:1; 307-10.

Leon, J.J. 1995. Love styles among Latino community college students in Los Angeles. Psychological Reports  77:2; 527-30.

Levy, M. 1988. Lovestyles and attachment styles compared. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 5:4; 439-71.

Mallandain, I. and Davies, M. 1994. The colours of love: Personality correlates of lovestyles. Personality and Individual Difference 17:4;557-60.

Mathes, E.W. 1980. Nine colours of romantic love? Psychological Reports. 47; 371-76.

Matsui, Y. 1993. Love styles and developmental stages in romantic love. Japanese Journal of Psychology. 64:5; 335-42.

Morrow, G.D. 1995. Individual and partner love styles. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 12:3; 363-87.

Murstein, B. I. 1988. A taxonomy of love. In Sternberg, R. J. editor,  The Psychology of Love. 13-37.

Murstein, B.I. 1991. Lovestyles in the United States and France, a cross cultural comparison. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 10:1; 37-46.

Nakamura, M. 1991. Determinants of love styles and relational evaluations in heterosexual involvement of college students. Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology  31:2; 132-146.

Neto F. 1994. Love styles among Portuguese students. Journal of Psychology. 128:5; 613-16.

Philbrick, J.L. and Leon, J.J. 1991. Change in college students’ love styles. Psychological Reports. 69:3; 912-14.

Pistole, C. 1995. College students’ ended love relationships: attachment style and emotion. Journal of College Student Development 36:1; 53-60.

Prasinos, S. and Bennett, I. T. 1984. The existential context of lovestyles. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 24 (1); 95-112.

Raciti, M. and Hendrick, S. S.,  1992. The relationship between eating disorders and love and sex attitudes. Sex Roles   27; 553-64.

Richardson, D. R., Medvin, N. and Hammock, G. 1988. Lovestyles, experience and sensation seeking, a test of validity.

Roseham, M.F. 1978.  Liking, loving and styles of loving. Psychological Reports  42; 1243-46.

Rotenberg, K. and Korol, S. 1995. The role of loneliness and gender in love styles. Journal of Social Behaviour and Personality. 10:3; 537-46.

Sandor, D.  1982.  Love, an investigation.  Unpublished thesis,  Department of Psychology,  University of Melbourne.

Sarwer, D. 1993. Sexual aggression and love styles - an exploratory study. Archives of Sexual Behaviour. 22:3; 265-75.

Shaver, P. 1988. A biased overview of the study of love. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 5:4; 473-501.

Simon, Robin. 1992. The development of feeling norms of romantic love among adolescent females. Social Psychology Quarterly. 55: 1; 29-46.

Simmons, C. H. 1986. A comparison of German, Japanese and American romantic attitudes. Journal of Social Psychology. 126:3; 327-36.

Simmons, C.H. 1989. Differences in attitudes to romantic love of French and American students. Journal of Social Psychology. 129:6; 793-800.

Snead,  H.  1980 Multidimensional analysis of styles of love.  Unpublished thesis, Department of Psychology,  Catholic University of America.

Sprecher, S. and Metts, S.1989  Development of Romantic Beliefs Scale.

Journal of Social and Personal Relationships  6, 387-44.

Sternberg, R.J. 1986. A triangular theory of love. Psychological Review  93; 119-135.

Sternberg, R.J. 1988.  (editor)  The psychology of love.  Yale U Press.

Taraban, C. B. 1995. Personality perception associated with six different styles of love. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 12:3; 453-61.

Waller,  N.G. and P.R. Shaver,  1994.  The importance of nongenetic influences on romantic lovestyles:  A twin study. Psychological Science  5:3

Wilkinson, M. L. 1978. Romantic love and sexual expression. Family Coordinator. 27:2; 141-48.

Williams, D. and Schill, T. 1994. Adult attachment, love styles, and self-defeating personality characteristics. Psychological Reports. 75:1; 31-34.

Yancy, G. and Bergloss, S. 1991. Love styles and life satisfaction. Psychological Reports. 68:3; 883-90.


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